
Karaoke for Manowar - Brothers Of Metal

Manowar - Brothers Of Metal (03:48)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Manowar - Achilles Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts (28:38)
Manowar - An American trilogy (04:16)
Manowar - Animals (03:34)
Manowar - Battle hymns (06:56)
Manowar - Battle Hymns (06:56)
Manowar - Black Wind Fire And Steel (05:15)
Manowar - Blood Brothers (04:54)
Manowar - Blow Your Speakers (03:43)
Manowar - Brothers Of Metal (03:54)
Manowar - Brothers Of Metal (03:48)
Manowar - Brothers Of Metal Pt.1 (03:54)
Manowar - Call To Arms (05:31)
Manowar - Call to Arms (05:29)
Manowar - carry on (04:13)
Manowar - Courage (03:49)
Manowar - Courage (03:49)
Manowar - Dracula (05:54)
Manowar - Hail Kill (05:58)
Manowar - Hail and Kill (05:59)
Manowar - Hail And Kill (05:57)
Manowar - Heart Of Steel (05:06)
Manowar - Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors (05:29)
Manowar - I Believe (04:06)
Manowar - King (06:25)
Manowar - King Of Kings (04:13)
Manowar - Kingdom Come (03:56)
Manowar - Kings Of Metal (03:45)
Manowar - Kings Of Metal (03:44)
Manowar - Master Of The Wind (05:40)
Manowar - Metal Daze (04:20)
Manowar - Metal warriors (03:54)
Manowar - Nessun Dorma (03:29)
Manowar - Number One (05:11)
Manowar - Outlaw (03:22)
Manowar - Shell Shock (04:07)
Manowar - Swords In The Wind (05:10)
Manowar - Swords In The Wind (05:20)
Manowar - The Crown and the Ring (04:46)
Manowar - The Gods Made Heavy Metal (06:04)
Manowar - The Power (04:09)
Manowar - The Warriors Prayer (04:19)
Manowar - Violence and bloodshed (03:59)
Manowar - Warriors of the World (05:55)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:51)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:56)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:51)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:56)
Manowar - Wheels of Fire (04:10)

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